Housebuilder & Developer produces new white paper: ‘Solving the housing crisis with offsite construction’

Housebuilder & Developer has published its latest white paper, titled ‘Solving the Housing Crisis with Offsite Construction.’ This insightful resource is now available for free download, offering valuable insights and solutions to the ongoing housing crisis.

In the last few years, the need for an increased pace of building has not diminished. The Government’s 300,000 homes a year target has been questioned and reaffirmed, yet the three challenges we focused on in our first research study into MMC uptake – speed, cost and skills – remain unsolved.

As highlighted in Housebuilder & Developer’s 2021 Industry Viewfinder ‘Exploring Current Thinking on Modern Methods of Construction’, the majority of respondents believe modern methods of construction have the potential to address these three key challenges, speeding up the pace of building, providing a more attractive working environment, and reducing costs. Despite this, 40% reported they had never worked with any form of MMC, and 37% never anticipated doing so in the future.

Two years later, they are again canvassing housebuilders and developers’ views on modern methods of construction to see how their perceptions have changed – are the technologies being adopted more widely, or are they still being ignored by a third of the industry? The results provide some key insight into this evolving and important area of housebuilding.

We would like to thank our sponsors ITW Construction Products, Roger Bullivant Limited, and MEDITE SMARTPLY for their support on this project.

Click here to request your free copy.